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Suicide at a Glance : How to prevent it

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Suicide has become a major cause of death in the whole world. Millions of death is due to suicide, some might be reported as suicide, some might not be reported in order to get insurance claim etc.. But the trend shows hike of suicide death every year. Mainly it is seen in age groups from fifteen to thirty five and more than woman, men only commit suicide. There is a wide difference in the suicide attempt of people in developing countries and developed countries. The rate will be more in developed countries. In a developing country like India this risk is also a major problem. Mainly women who are married face this situation as separation is quite more now and when women loose hope in them they choose this to end their life. Mainly in India they choose pesticides, hangings. In developed countries they say that those who committed suicide will have mental problems but this is not accepted in India. The main reasons for the suicide attempt are depression, love failure, rejection from the family members, love failure, loose in hope and so on. Special programmes should be conducted to give awareness regarding the suicide especially in the teen ages and such programmes are to be initiated.

In India, Kerala state reports to be the toppers in suicide; it states that more than 9000 deaths are stated annually. Suicide can be prevented but it needs support, especially the society, they have to identify the ones which have that tendency and are to be mentally supported, emotionally and the means are endless. So suicide is a preventable cause of death. Nothing is done to prevent suicide death both in public or personal level and government has not started such programs to give awareness. The explanations sated for the higher suicide rate in southern regions are higher literacy rate, higher expectations likewise economic status. In India majority of the rate of suicide is below thirty five years and has become a major problem to the public which need a solution or an action to be taken by the government. Even though this act is done by a person himself it has become a social problem because it has certain effects of society, ultimately which could have been avoided or prevented. Especially in India the reasons that cause women to suicide are love failure, divorce, problems after marriage, extra marital affairs, pregnancy problems, and so on. But study reveals that majority of the ones who committed suicide are mentally reported. Copy cat suicides are also seen in India; media also play an important role in this.

When a person faces a temporary problem, he or she finds a permanent solution through suicide. Mostly those people who have a tendency of committing suicide feels that nobody cares of them, so some people even though  they doesn’t want to do so announces  that they are doing just to gain attention of others which may finally lead to death. They always look at others attention. Prevention is possible if the problem is recognized in correct time. Suicidal thoughts are being experienced to many people, sometime an unexpected problem in the life may lead to such thoughts. Those people who have a history of such have a higher risk in doing the same again. In this case such patients can be counseled and taken measures from preventing suicide. The risk in such type of suicidal thoughts is higher in children’s than in other age group. One of the major causes of suicidal thoughts is depression. This depression can be recognized through the symptoms like restless , no sleep, rapid weight gain or weight loss , and so on…We always wish that it will not happen to any person we know. People who like to commit suicide are mentally depressed, those who have previous history, death of the loved one, divorce, druggers etc... There are many reasons which lead a person to commit suicide mostly when they loose hope in themselves it happens. Actually they are finding it as a solution for their problems, but if it is detected and proper care is given for them a tremendous change can be seen in their life. If you is concerned of a person on talk and listen to his problems patiently without any arguments. Take the risk of telling somebody who is very close to you they might be a friend , relative whoever it is without any fear or shame, that itself is the major solution from committing  suicide.

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